Tuesday, April 18, 2017

PCB Paintings: Maker-Artists Requests for Feedback | #ArtTuesday

We previously blogged David I. Herman’s PCB paintings in February. The same makers are requesting feedback on what direction to take the series. I personally don’t think made-to-order artworks would be very cost effective, but could see people purchasing works from a standalone store on Etsy or similar marketplace. Is there a maker-centric place for ‘crafty’ nerdy & hacker/maker items for the home? I guess the impulse of ‘ahhh I’ll just make that myself’ takes over but surely these artworks are worth saving some etching solution. (That bee artwork is pretty rad and would go great in any community garden!) If you have ideas, chime in on their Hackaday post here.

We are trying to figure out what direction to take this blend of technology and art — should we offer pieces for sale, or offer a service for making your own pieces from your own artwork, for instance. We’re certainly going to continue to explore it from a technology and art creative point of view. If you feel inclined, please take a moment to leave a comment, we are interested in your feedback!

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