Friday, June 26, 2020

A through hole ATmega8/328p Feather format board #Arduino #Feather @Hackadayio @davedarko

Here is an Arduino-compatible board with a USB-B port, through hole components, and is capable of using a Microchip ATmega8 or an ATMega328P. All in a small Feather format board.

I had this edgy idea to make a chunky old school Arduino thing that fits the feather form factor. USB-B port and a 3V regulator make this compatible with most FeatherWings, there’s even the built-in LED on PIN 13 to get your blinkies starting.

Can be upgraded to the Atmega328P of course, but the main goal was to have an Atmega8 DIP Feather, mostly to trigger people, but the idea grew on me. Also: everyone probably has a DIP ATmega8 laying around somewhere, doing nothing – this board will give it something to do.



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