Wednesday, June 24, 2020

No-Sew Cotton Face Mask with a Window

Communicate clearly and stylishly with this cotton face mask that sports a clear plastic window.

This guide details how to make a double layered face mask with a terrycloth towel lining and a fabric cover, held on by elastic cord that loops over the ears. The center of the mask has an anti-fog-treated clear plastic window, so the folks around you can see your lips move. Whether you work with the hearing-impaired or just prefer seeing people's faces as they talk, this mask design will restore a lot of understanding to your interactions.

This is a no-sew guide -- we'll use E6800 glue to hold the pieces together. If you do have sewing skills, the same steps can be followed using a needle and thread or sewing machine. Take a look at this Cotton Face Mask Guide for hand-sewing guidance.

We've also included a few resources for places to donate your handmade masks.

This mask will help keep your coughs and sneezes from others, and also may help keep you from touching your face. It's machine washable and should be sanitized every day -- and of course, never shared!


Most of this stuff is easy to find at local drug stores or craft stores. I've provided some links in case you prefer to order online as well.

  • Breathable cotton dish towel
  • Cotton fabric - a t-shirt or bandana can work great
  • Elastic cord - I used two stretchy hair ties
  • A 20 oz clear plastic drink cup - Here is a pack of 100, but a coffee-shop iced coffee cup works great -- just get one without too many logos
  • Anti-fog Gel - I used Sea Gold, made for antifogging SCUBA dive masks
  • E6800 glue & cotton swabs for application

Tools Needed

  • Scissors
  • Stapler

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