Wednesday, June 24, 2020

New Guide: No-Sew Cotton Face Mask with a Window – DIY Tutorial

window face mask tutorial

It seems face masks are here to stay for the next few months. We’ve got a brand-new tutorial from Erin St. Blaine showing how to create a comfortable face mask with a plastic window in the middle, no sewing skills required. The mask is made from easy to find materials you may already have in your house, and held together with flexible E6800 glue. It’s washable and treated with anti-fog so it won’t fog up when you talk.

This mask is a life saver for the hearing impaired, who are having a tougher time communicating when faces are completely covered. From the guide:

Communicate clearly and stylishly with this cotton face mask that sports a clear plastic window.

This guide details how to make a double layered face mask with a terrycloth towel lining and a fabric cover, held on by elastic cord that loops over the ears. The center of the mask has an anti-fog-treated clear plastic window, so the folks around you can see your lips move. Whether you work with the hearing-impaired or just prefer seeing people’s faces as they talk, this mask design will restore a lot of understanding to your interactions.

This is a no-sew guide — we’ll use E6800 glue to hold the pieces together. If you do have sewing skills, the same steps can be followed using a needle and thread or sewing machine. Take a look at this Cotton Face Mask Guide for hand-sewing guidance.

We’ve also included a few resources for places to donate your handmade masks.

Full tutorial link:

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