Friday, June 26, 2020

I replaced my MacBook Pro with a Raspberry Pi 4 8GB for a Day #PiDay #RaspBerryPi #Mac @Raspberry_Pi @geerlingguy

Jeff Geerling decided to go all-in and spend one entire day working entirely (or at least as much as possible) from a Raspberry Pi.

And not just doing some remote coding sessions or writing a blog post—that’s easy to do on a Chromebook, a tablet, or any cheap old laptop—but trying to do all the things I do in a given day, like:

  • Browse Twitter using a dedicated app
  • Use Slack (you laugh, but Slack uses more memory than most of the other apps I’m running at any given time—combined!)
  • Record and edit clips of audio and video
  • Work on some infrastructure automation with Docker, Ansible, and Kubernetes

In summary, would he recommend the Pi 4 as a worthy general computer for anyone? no. Would he recommend it as a worthy general computer for a certain subset of computer users. Definitely yes!

If your use of the computer is more oriented towards the browser, a code editor, and the command line (e.g. backend web development, infrastructure development, writing/blogging, and the like), the Pi is perfectly adequate, and with 8GB of RAM, Chromium runs just fine, even if you have a bunch of tabs open.

See the video below and more in the blog post here.

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