Saturday, June 27, 2020

New Products 6/24/20 featuring Adafruit ISM330DHCX + LIS3MDL FeatherWing – High Precision 9-DoF IMU!

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We’ve got the New nEw NEW for you right here:


2599 05

Circuit Playground Express – Black Girls CODE

Circuit Playground Express is the next step towards a perfect introduction to electronics and programming. We’ve taken the original Circuit Playground Classic and made it even better! Not only did we pack even more sensors in, we also made it even easier to program.

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4670 02

Kitronik Inventor’s Kit for the BBC micro:bit – micro:bit Not Included

The Kitronik Inventor’s Kit for the BBC micro:bit provides a fantastic way of learning how to construct electronic circuits and create code. The BBC micro:bit has a selection of pins that are located on the bottom edge of its PCB. By using Kitronik’s specially designed ‘edge’ connector board in conjunction with the breadboard, it is easy to use these pins to connect additional components. No soldering is required and the first circuit can be built in minutes! Huzzah!

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4669 02

USB 2.0 to HDMI Video Capture Adapter

Here’s one of the easiest capture solutions for getting HDMI data into your computer or Raspberry Pi, really any system with a USB port..

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4582 00

Finger Pulse Oximeter with Bluetooth LE – BM1000

This Finger Pulse Oximeter with Bluetooth LE is great for monitoring your blood oxygen levels and pulse rate. Simply slide your index finger pad onto the springy sensor and see the readout on the OLED display. You’ll see your heart rate pulse, blood oxygen estimation SpO2, and even a little graph of your blood pulsing.

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4646 00

Adafruit 9-DOF Absolute Orientation IMU Fusion Breakout – BNO055 – STEMMA QT / Qwiic

If you’ve ever ordered and wire up a 9-DOF sensor, chances are you’ve also realized the challenge of turning the sensor data from an accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer into actual “3D space orientation”! Orientation is a hard problem to solve. The sensor fusion algorithms (the secret sauce that blends accelerometer, magnetometer, and gyroscope data into stable three-axis orientation output) can be mind-numbingly difficult to get right and implement on low-cost real-time systems.

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4569 01

Adafruit ISM330DHCX + LIS3MDL FeatherWing – High Precision 9-DoF IMU

Upgrade any Feather board with precision motion sensing with the ST 9-DoF IMU, an all-in-one sensing ‘Wing. It sports two fantastic sensors from ST to provide 9 degrees of full-motion data.

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New Products 6/24/20 featuring Adafruit ISM330DHCX + LIS3MDL FeatherWing – High Precision 9-DoF IMU!

Visit for more info.

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