Thursday, June 25, 2020

Star Trek Can Teach You to Be a Better Ally @StarTrek by @KovacAmelia

Adafruit 2019 4207

Star Trek Can Teach You to Be a Better Ally

…Star Trek’s ethos is in celebrating the diversity of people and in using the differences between them to help build a better tomorrow. As Gene Roddenberry once said, in the future, we will “take a special delight in differences in ideas and differences in life forms”. As racism stands in stark contrast to the central tenants of Star Trek’s philosophy, it appears that some have turned away from the lessons it has taught us.

Like no other franchise, Star Trek speaks to the optimist within all of us and lets us believe that the future portrayed on the screen is within our reach; yet, that future will be out of reach if we allow racism to remain unchecked.

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