Friday, September 10, 2021

On-Board Processing for Linear Target Mapping #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi

via Raspberry Pi Projects

Thus far in ME4823, we have conducted essentially all data processing, algorithmic decision-making, and higher-level control on the laptop, and only communicated with the Turtlebot to issue actuator commands (/cmd_vel) and to receive sensor data (/odom, /amcl_pose, /rfid, etc.). In this package, we accomplish two major tasks: (1) Transfer ROS Packages onto the Raspberry Pi Model 3B Single Board Computer (SBC) so that the only means of issuing commands is by establishing a secure shell (ssh) via laptop; and (2) Develop a Control Algorithm in MATLAB’s Simulink to detect an “undersea cable,” which will be simulated by a row of RFID cars taped to the floor. The laptop represents the “manned submersible” and the TurtleBot represents the AUV. The ThingMagic RFID reader represents a towed magnetometer, although field intensity is not measured; instead, only presence of the “magnetic field” or RFID emission is detected. We will remove other RFIDs from the area of operations (AO) to simplify things.

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