Friday, October 15, 2021

A 1978 2-XL Robot Makeover with Google Assistant and Raspberry Pi @Raspberry_Pi #PiDay #RaspberryPi

How much better would things be if your AI assistant looked like a 1978 2-XL robot from Mego Corporation. Matt has a project that does just that, via the element14 Community:

Matt is quite picky about the looks of his AI assistants: he shies away from the uncanny valley and abhors the abstraction of a disembodied voice in his devices. With this in mind–and following his penchant for retro restorations–he decides to build a customized voice assistant into the body of one of his favorite “artificial intelligence”: the classic 1978 model 2-XL educational toy from Mego. In this first part in a 2-part series, Matt will walk through how the 2-XL toy robot worked, before setting up Google Assistant on the Raspberry Pi, training a custom wake word for the assistant, and rewiring the power supply with modern components!

See project!

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