Sunday, October 3, 2021

The Jim Henson Foundation presents — American Puppet Theater Today: The Photography of Richard Termine

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This exhibit looks fantastic! Photographs by Richard Termine, on view at La MaMa Gallery.

La MaMa Gallery is located at 47 Great Jones Street, New York, NY 10012 — not far from Adafruit HQ!

New York-based photographer Richard Termine has documented American Puppet Theater for over 30 years. Termine’s work captures the animated gesture of the puppet in still images. Over 100 images and objects in this exhibition illustrate the dynamic range of Puppet Theater being created by a vibrant community of artists in the New York City area, as well as some of the excellent work presented at National Puppet Festivals across the United States.

A special section, “Puppetry During the Pandemic,” celebrates resilient puppet artists who continued to create and perform new work through the past year.

Read more.

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