Friday, October 15, 2021

Use Arduino Libraries with the Rasperry Pi Pico C/C++ SDK @Raspberry_Pi #PiDay #RaspberryPi

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Handy post from fhdm-dev up on

Aside from the low price, range of I/O options and the PIO, one of the great things about the Pico is the C/C++ SDK. The folks over at Raspberry Pi have done a great job creating a programming environment that is easy to use but still allows you to get close to the hardware if that is what you want. Not to mention the comprehensive documentation.

One downside to using the C/C++ SDK is the lack of libraries. User @martinkooij over at the Raspberry PI forums has compiled a list of available libraries and while the number is increasing it comes nowhere close to the vast array of libraries available when using the Arduino IDE. The Arduino reference documentation alone lists over 4000 libraries.

Read more.

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