Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Mongoose OS + Google Cloud Platform + Firebase = IoT Weather Station Powered by ESP32 | #IoTuesday #MQTT

Brazil-based developer Alvaro Viebrantz has a thorough walkthrough on Medium for constructing an IoT weather station, conceivably powered by our own Feather HUZZAH32 kit compatible with Mongoose OS & Google Cloud Platform. He details everything from configuring Wi-Fi to safely flashing firmware and creating tables to display in web-accessible dashboards. (Note some screenshots on the article include text in Portuguese, but I reckon most will be able to follow along just fine 🙂 ) Read more here or if you want to jump ahead and check out some code look here for the GitHub repo.

Collecting massive amount of data, with a managed and serverless architecture so you don’t get yourself burned in the process.

Ok, there is a lot of tutorials teaching how to build a Weather Station because there many ways of doing it. It’s a simple project so I will try to focus on building an end to end solution, from collecting data to doing analytics on your data. All of it will use managed Google Cloud services, giving an overview on how to build a complete IoT solution. At the end, you could build reports on your data and access it through the web.

Here’s a look at the overall architecture design flow:

And here’s a snapshot of what the app and data report look like:

Read more here.

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