Thursday, April 23, 2020

Create your own home office work status light with Raspberry Pi #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi #WFH

DIY busy light created with Raspberry Pi and Pimoroni LED hat 273x250

Via Raspberry Pi Blog:

Whether its kids, roommates or partners, working from home can be full of distraction. This project will help alert your housemates not to disturb you.

Well, Belgian maker Elio Struyf has created a homemade solution to mitigate against such unsolicited workspace interferences: he built a status light that integrates with Microsoft Teams so that his kids know when he’s on a call and they should stay away from his home office.

The light listens to to Elio’s Microsoft Teams status and accordingly displays the colour red if he’s busy chatting online, yellow if his status is set to ‘Away’, or green if he’s free for his kids to wander in and say “Hi”.

Learn more!

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