Tuesday, April 28, 2020

IN CLIMATE EMERGENCY, BREAK GLASS by Saul Griffith, PhD sneak peek @breakglassbook @otherlab #breakglassbook #electrifyeverything #climatesolutions


I had a brief break for an hour tonight and got a treat, IN CLIMATE EMERGENCY, BREAK GLASS by Saul Griffith, PhD sneak peek chapters! Over the last month Saul was helping so many groups and people that Limor and I were also working with, it reminded me to check out what else he was working on and sure enough, a book was in the works –

The essential handbook for climate action mobilization.

The COVID-19 pandemic showed the world the dire consequences of ignoring science and its predictions of global crises. But the pandemic was just a rehearsal for the climate disasters humanity will face — unless we act now. In his new book, IN CLIMATE EMERGENCY, BREAK GLASS, Saul Griffith, PhD argues that we can still address the threat of climate change, but only if we respond with a massive war-time mobilization effort to transform the fossil fuel economy into a fully electrified one, run on wind, solar, and other renewable energy sources. Based on the vast data about energy flows in the U.S. economy that his company, Otherlab, has mapped, Griffith details how to not only save us from climate disaster, but to help us enjoy a cleaner, healthier, and more prosperous future. Griffith––physicist, inventor, engineer, and a father who wants to preserve the planet for his children–offers not only a plan for a cleaner, healthier future but how to pay for it. It’s a plan that will work. But it’s an emergency, and we have to break the glass. Now.

A sneak peek of Chapters 1 – 3 is available now on the website, you just need to put in an email and can start reading. First take: Engaging, accessible, brilliant, and meticulously researched. I really liked the “don’t let a crisis go to waste” parts …

“When you break the glass in an emergency, you grab a tool — an axe, a hose, or a kill switch. Let’s fill our toolbox for solving the climate emergency with the tools we can call upon from history.”

Check it out.

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