Thursday, April 30, 2020

RetroPie 4.6 Released With Raspberry Pi 4 Support! Its Amazing!! #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi #Gaming #Emulator

YouTuber ETA PRIME goes through some of the updates to RetroPie and the much anticipated Pi 4 support. They test out a few games and review the performance:

The Awesome RetroPie team just released RetroPie Version 4.6 and it supports the Raspberry Pi 4!
In this video we take a looks at the changes and test out some higher-end Emulators like Dreamcast using Redream, PSP using PPSSPP, and N64 using Mupen64 Next!
Spoiler Alert these emulators run amazingly with the new release of RetroPie for The Raspberry Pi 4!

See more!

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