Sunday, April 26, 2020

Make Robot Hospital Friend! Boston Dynamics’ Spot Helps Health Care Workers

Sometimes folks can look at the robots of Boston Dynamics and get worried about the future robot takeover. But at a hospital in Boston, BD’s quadruped robot Spot has been deployed to aid in telemedicine. Wielding a custom mount a videoconferencing screen, Spot has been helping health care workers continue their work while maintaining safety. More from The Verge:

Today marks the second week of Spot’s presence at a local Boston hospital, Brigham and Women’s, where the robot is being deployed as a mobile telemedicine platform, enabling healthcare providers to remotely triage patients,” the company says in a statement. “We’re listening to their feedback on how Spot can do more but are encouraged by their reports that using the robot has helped their nursing staff minimize time exposed to potentially contagious patients.”

See and learn more!

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