Wednesday, April 29, 2020

RetroPie 4.6 released with Raspberry Pi 4 support #Gaming #RaspberryPi @Raspberry_Pi @RetroPieProject

RetroPie is pleased to announce RetroPie 4.6 with beta support for the Raspberry Pi 4.

It’s been some time since we last updated our pre-built images. However development has been ongoing in the background, and a lot of changes have been made since the last release. Note that we update RetroPie constantly, and you can update your system at any time. We wanted to wait until we were happy with the Raspberry Pi 4 support before putting out some new images though, but RetroPie has been working on the Raspberry Pi 4 for some time for those wanting to manually install or try a weekly development image.

You can see what emulators are available for supported platforms thanks to a new stats module included in RetroPie.

RetroPie 4.6 has moved to Raspbian Buster as a base operating system for pre-built Raspberry Pi images. Raspbian Stretch is no longer supported by Raspberry Pi Trading Ltd. They will continue to support Stretch for a while longer, but will likely stop updating binaries for it later this year.

The Raspberry Pi 4 image is marked as beta for now – primarily as there are still some things to improve on, but most packages run well. Please feel free to try it and report any issues to the RetroPie forum. If you are running a weekly Buster development build, you can just update within RetroPie-Setup – no need to start from a new image.

You can download a 4.6 image from For first installs please follow their Installation Instructions.

Read more in their blog post here.

Raspberry Pi 4

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