Friday, April 24, 2020

HackSpace magazine Issue 30: 15 ways to pick the perfect Arduino board #Feather @HackSpaceMag @Adafruit

The new HackSpace Magazine Issue 30 presents 15 ways to pick the perfect microcontroller board.

There is a huge range of Arduino-compatible boards available. Some from huge global manufacturers, some from small, local firms, and even some that you have to build yourself. Which should you pick for
your next project? It’s impossible for us to rate every one individually, but here are our top tips for deciding which is most appropriate for you.

The article covers 5 form factors, 4 of which are available at Adafruit: Uno Size (Adafruit Metro), Mega (Adafruit Grand Central), Feather (which originated at Adafruit), and Large Pads like the Adafruit Circuit Playground Express.

Adafruit also sells microcontrollers with all five microcontroller families: ATmega, SAMD21, SAMD51, nRF52840, ESP8266 and ESP32 (and more).

See more in Issue 30 of HackSpace Magazine – Read moredownload PDFbuy nowsubscribe.

See Adafruit parts on and at

Read all about Feather compatible boards from all manufacturers on Awesome Feather.

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