Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Hauser & Wirth Presents George Condo’s ‘Distanced Figures’ in Online Exhibition

Georges condo hauser wirth online exhibition designboom 02

Beautiful and timely new work from George Condo, presented as a digital exhibit by HAUSER & WIRTH.

A quote from the artist:

‘I love to draw and in the usual context of privacy, one doesn’t think of the term isolation or forced separation, rather it’s a space to create without being watched.’
– George Condo

Write-up from designboom.

depicted in crayon, pencil and ink, overlapping figures are layered, combining multiple viewpoints to reflect different emotions occurring simultaneously; fear, paranoia, claustrophobia, panic and distress are portrayed in this particular group of drawings but handled with such beauty, elegance and resolve as to provide an antidote. condo describes the figures in this new series of works as ‘distanced from one another or in fact even distanced from themselves.’

Read more.

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