Wednesday, April 22, 2020

The first Maker Faire was 15 years ago today, and it’s also 50 years of Earth day… @make @makerfaire @SherryHuss #EarthDay @EarthDayNetwork


What were you doing 15 years ago? I was at the first Maker Faire as one of the MAKE team members, more folks showed up than we expected, it was amazing and kicked off over a decade of Maker Faires that are still being held around the world (and will again one day)… Here’s my post on the MAKE site from 15 years ago, none of the links work that go to news sites though 🙁

Today is also the 50th year of Earth Day.

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A couple photos I still have from the materials/on site stuff. If there is interest, I can post tons more later.

I emailed Sherry Huss, a hero, a mentor, Co-creator of Maker Faire. The original Maker-in-Chief. Forbes 2017 Forty over 40. Top 7 Famous Women In 3D Printing Industry 2017. Maker Advocate & Evangelist about today’s anniversary:

“Sending thanks to all of the makers around the world going above and beyond in these crazy corona times – especially our friends at Adafruit. Fifteen years ago today, on the 35th Anniversary of Earth Day we launched our first Maker Faire – April 22nd & 23rd, 2006 in the bay area. Our hope was to bring together communities to share knowledge, pass along the maker spirit and to re-use, re-imagine and re-make. On this 50th anniversary of Earth Day, now more than ever do we need this maker spirit as we re-set and re-start. We have a major opportunity ahead of us, and it is so great to see makers from all over the world taking a lead in working through this crisis and then on to recovery. So glad to be part of this maker community, the earth needs us now more than ever!”

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