Thursday, June 27, 2019

293: Skateboard Tricks – podcast with Limor Fried @adafruit by @logicalelegance @embeddedfm

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293: Skateboard Tricks – podcast with Limor Fried

Limor Fried of Adafruit spoke with us about engineering, education, and business.

Some new boards we talked about include the PyGamer and PyBadge (which also has a lower cost version).

TinyUSB, an open and tiny USB stack from Hathach.

In addition to the many excellent tutorials there are some interesting business related posts on Adafruit Learn: How to Build a Hardware Startup and How to Start a Hackerspace

Want to get more involved with the extensive, wonderful, and supportive Adafruit community? Join their Discord chat server or Show and Tell on Wednesdays 7:30pm (ET) followed by Ask an Engineer at 8pm. is a site dedicated to the many aspects of engineering. We talk about the how, why, and what of engineering, usually devices.

The site includes a weekly audio show created and hosted by Elecia White and Christopher White. Our guests include makers, entrepreneurs, educators, and normal, traditional engineers. The show is a product of Logical Elegance, an embedded software consulting company.

Read more, and listen!


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