Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Installing and Using the Windows Terminal Preview Edition

The Windows Terminal is a new, modern, fast, efficient, powerful, and productive terminal application for Windows 10 users of command-line tools and shells like Command Prompt, PowerShell, and the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). Its main features include multiple tabs, Unicode and UTF-8 character support, a GPU accelerated text rendering engine, and (with a bit of JSON editing) custom themes, styles, and configurations.

Many command line users have wanted a more customizable, more feature packed command line since, well, Windows 2.0 (or MSDOS 2.0 if you're older). Microsoft has a team dedicated to this project and makes all their code available for user contributions via GitHub. And yes, it is Open Source software.


  • Multiple tabs
  • Full Unicode support
  • GPU-accelerated text rendering
  • Full customizability

Using the preview Windows Terminal app requires Windows 10 version 18362 or later (May, 2019). It will not work on prior versions of Windows like XP, Windows 7, or 8.

This guide is intended to get you started with kicking the tires of the Windows Terminal Preview released on June 21, 2019.


  • Windows 10 version 18362.0 or higher

If your version of Windows is older than the May, 2019 update, you'll need to upgrade your version of Windows 10. See the next page on steps to do that.

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