Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Learning Soldering and CircuitPython at Portland Community College #CircuitPython #Soldering #Education

soldering and programming class in Circuitpython

GitHub user hydronics2 (Thomas) posts a soldering and programming class in CircuitPython used at the Portland Community College. There is a custom learning board which has headers for an Adafruit ItsyBitsy M0 Express board with on-board CircuitPython programming.

This is a soldering and programming class in Circuitpython

This class occurs in two parts — Soldering and Programming.

We’ll be soldering parts and headers onto a custom printed circuit board (PCB).
Once complete, the microcontroller (an Adafruit development board – ItsyBitsy M0) sockets onto the PCB female headers. When you connect the Adafruit M0 microController to your computer it shows up as an external hard drive with preloaded example scripts.

See GitHub for more info and code.


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