Tuesday, June 25, 2019

An Installation Inspired By Atomic Orbital Patters by Rebecca Kamen #ArtTuesday

via Art the Science

“Immense curiosity and the process of discovery serve as a catalyst for the development of my artwork. A passion for science developed at a young age while exploring mysterious micro and macro worlds through the lens of a small microscope and a cardboard telescope. My first chemistry set also fuelled a scientific curiosity planting seeds that, years later, sparked the creation of Divining Nature: An Elemental Garden. A large art installation whose layout has been inspired by a garden of atomic flowers, Divining Nature is informed by the electron orbital patterns of the naturally occurring elements in the periodic table. Shapes created by these electron orbital patterns are based on the same principals of Sacred Geometry that have inspired the Fibonacci spiral of the installation layout and are found in all aspects of nature. Divining Nature, created in 2009, continues to inspire both scientific and non- scientific audiences to view chemistry through a new lens.”

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