Monday, April 4, 2022

A portable computer with CRT and thermal printer #3dPrinting @Hackaday

The Joopyter Personal Terminal is a 3D printed portable computer that includes everything you need for life in the retro-futuristic fast lane: a mechanical keyboard, a thermal printer, and the obligatory tiny offset screen. It’s a true mobile machine, thanks to it’s onboard battery and a clever hinge design that lets you fold the whole thing up into something akin to a PLA handbag.

This project was envisioned when I found a mini thermal printer sitting in one of the parts piles in my local makerspace. Apparently some particularly persnickety person demanded receipts for their 3d printer usage and then promptly left and nobody bothered to implement anything with the receipt printers that they had bought. Me, Gian, the Io of Io Mechatronics, being fascinated with disused and interesting things, tried to implement the receipt printer for an upcoming art project. Seeing the printer hooked up to a Raspberry Pi got me all inspired and after a long break and some hard thinking, I went to implement those inspirations.

“I do like me some hand wired Keebs, and I do like me some CircuitPython KMK”

See the project on GitHub and a write up on Hackaday.

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