Monday, April 11, 2022

Of Trees, Tenderness, and the Moon: Hasui Kawase’s Stunning Japanese Woodblock Prints from the 1920s-1950s

This recent post from The Marginalian highlights the beautiful Japanese woodblock prints of 20th century artist Hasui Kawase. The colors are truly stunning. The post also describes the course of the artist’s career, and how he didn’t have his first formal show until 35, which is a good reminder to keep making, and keep pursuing your craft, and never let anyone make you feel silly or old for doing what you love.

Hasui was thirty-five — the age Whitman was when he staggered the world with his Leaves of Grass — when he made his artistic debut with a series of experimental woodblock prints, depicting the mostly empty streets of Tokyo and the unpeopled landscapes of the countryside.

As he began his next series, nature and night beckoned to him more and more .

Read more.

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