Monday, April 18, 2022

‘Mind-blowing’: Ai-Da becomes first robot to paint like an artist

The idea of robots making art raises all sorts of questions, some of which you’ve definitely heard before in other contexts or conversations about the nature of art itself. Check out more about robot Ai-Dai and her “art” in this piece from The Guardian.

Brush clamped firmly in bionic hand, Ai-Da’s robotic arm moves slowly, dipping in to a paint palette then making slow, deliberate strokes across the paper in front of her.

This, according to Aidan Meller, the creator of the world’s first ultra-realistic humanoid robot, Ai-Da, is “mind-blowing” and “groundbreaking” stuff.

In a small room at London’s British Library, Ai-Da – assigned the she/her pronoun – has become the first robot to paint as artists have painted for centuries.

Read more.

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