Monday, June 3, 2019

Drone Day Was Celebrated With 10 hours of Live Drones #MusicMonday

via CDM

“Every year we make a noise together that stretches around the world,” proclaim the organizers [of International Drone Day on May 25th] on the site.”The answer comes through tiny vibrations in our skin and between our bones,” they say. “Gather and drone with friends, with the public, or alone (though you are never truly alone in the drone).”

Drone, community, and experimental sounds are all welcome. The ritual began a few years ago with organizers Marie Claire LeBlanc Flanagan and Weird Canada. This year’s edition had some 60 drone events worldwide…but if you missed Drone Day on Saturday, don’t worry – you didn’t miss out. We’ve got a full ten hours recorded (and streamed live) in Berlin for your droning needs.

Hear more!

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