Saturday, June 1, 2019

Make an Object Tracking Camera Slider #celebratephotography

From Saral Tayal on Instructables:

This project has been one of my favorite projects since I got to combine my interest of video-making with DIY. I’ve always looked at and wanted to emulate those cinematic shots in movies where a camera moves across a screen while panning to track the object. This adds a very interesting depth effect to an otherwise 2d video. Wanting to replicate this without spending thousands of dollars on Hollywood gear, I decided to build such a camera slider myself.

Read more and see more on YouTube


We #celebratephotography here at Adafruit every Saturday. From photographers of all levels to projects you have made or those that inspire you to make, we’re on it! Got a tip? Well, send it in!

If you’re interested in making your own project and need some gear, we’ve got you covered. Be sure to check out our Raspberry Pi accessories and our DIY cameras.

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