Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Murmuration, the installation formed by 10,000 porcelain birds

Murmuration Landscape Cai Guo Qiang Collater al 9a 1024x649

Via Collateral

…at the National Gallery of Victoria in Melbourne, it was the opening of the exhibition “Terracotta Warriors” by the Chinese artist Cai Guo-Qiang, which features terracotta sculptures representing the ancient Chinese warriors of Emperor Qin Shi Huangdi, considered the first Chinese emperor.

Within this exhibition, however, you will not only see soldiers, but Cai Guo-Qiang has thought of surprising all viewers with Murmuration (Landscape), an immersive installation that occupies the space of an entire room.

The work consists of 10,000 porcelain birds that have been hung from the ceiling with nylon threads and seem to fly over the heads of visitors. Seen from the outside, the shape of the installation seems to be that of a three-dimensional landscape and for this reason, it is natural to observe and live it in respectful silence, as if one were entering a sacred place.

The exhibition will be open until 13 October 2019.

See more!

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