Thursday, June 20, 2019

New piwheels stats for Adafruit-Blinka @adafruit @circuitpython @raspberry_pi #blinka @ben_nuttall @waveform80

Adafruit 2019 2047

piwheels – Adafruit-Blinka. For folks who do Python dev and submit code to PyPi, exciting news! piwheels which is a mirror/cache version for all the Raspberry Pi devices has stats! These are separate from PyPi stats, since Raspberry Pi devices are so popular, it may add up to a significant increase to PyPi (adding PyPi + piwheels is the total number of downloads). For Adafruit BLINKA, our easy to use CircuitPython for linux, here are some of ur stats!

Adafruit-PureIO         | 62053
Adafruit-GPIO           | 31600
Adafruit-Blinka         | 23104
Adafruit-DHT            | 14527
Adafruit-PlatformDetect | 12227
Adafruit-PCA9685        |  6517
Adafruit-ADS1x15        |  3463
Adafruit-SSD1306        |  1942
Adafruit-MCP3008        |  1921
Adafruit-CharLCD        |  1485

Thank you Ben Nuttall! piwheels is a community project by Ben Nuttall and Dave Jones. Hosting is kindly donated by Mythic Beasts. Project source code is available from GitHub.

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