Monday, June 3, 2019

Play Gamebuino META games via on PyBadge/PyGamer via Adafruit Arcada #AdafruitLearningCenter @Adafruit

Playing Gamebuino META Games on Arcada

New in the Adafruit Learning System: Playing Gamebuino META Games on Arcada

The Gamebuino META is a cool and colorful gaming handheld that features an Arduino-compatible ATSAMD21, 160×128 color TFT screen, speaker, and 8 buttons.  It’s an amazing platform for writing small games and is a great looking handheld!

But what if you don’t have a Gamebuino handy . . .

Since Arcada boards, like the PyGamer and PyBadge’s are also Arduino compatible, it’s easy to compile any Gamebuino games for these boards. The PyGamer/PyBadge have much faster processors with more memory and the same size screen (in fact, it’s the same exact screen). We will not be ’emulating’ the Gamebuino games – we really will just re-compile them.

The Adafruit Arcada API makes it easy to use the hardware to make interactive games and programs in the Arduino API.

See this new guide now > > >

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